Delivery Time=Processing Time+Shipping Time
Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address, the shipping options you've chosen, and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment. You can calculate delivery estimates by taking the processing time for your order and adding the delivery time based on the shipping method you've chosen.
Time To Ship:We will send out your order in 2 working days.
In order to ensure that you receive your ordered item faster, we will automatically match the fastest shipping method according to your ordered items and country.
Note for taxes:
For most countries/regions, our customers do not need to pay import fees, customs duties. However, some restricted countries/regions (especially certain European countries/regions) may require customers to pay customs duties or value-added tax according to the collection rules of your country/region.
Shipping Fee
If products are marked "free shipping", then you will do not need to pay for shipping costs.
For products without "free shipping", you need to use the online system to generate a shipping quote for your order. Please put the desired number of items in your shopping cart and then click on the checkout page, and then you can find shipping prices for different shipping services.
Important Notes
Total Delivery Time=Processing Time + Shipping Time
Processing Time: Prepare items for shipment, 1-3 business days normally.
Shipping Time: Transit of package, 3-10 business days.
(*Please note that Shipping time is estimated and commences from the date of shipping, rather than the date of order.)
In case of any question and unexpected delay or you don’t receive the parcel within this period, please contact our customer service in time.(
*Please contact us within 6 months of shipment if the package does not arrive in time, our customer care team ( will get back to you within 24 hours. Note that overdue requests may not be accepted.
As for the shipping method, here we offer 3 options for you to choose:
1. Air package from Hong Kong Affiliated Agent of China Post that will take 3 to 10 working days;
2. Expedited courier by EMS, which will take 3 to 10 working days.
3. DHL, TNT or UPS that will reach your hand in 3 to 5 working days.
Attention:Difference countries exists different situation,the delivery time above is on the basis of major nationals,if you're in remote area,you can have a reference
Note:In order to ensure that you receive your ordered item faster, we will automatically match the fastest shipping method according to your ordered items and country.When placing order,please select one shipping method, then the shipping cost will be resulted automatically according to the pricelist of relevant shipping company.
Besides,we offer Free Shipping to the following countries:
United States Albania Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Canada Chile Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Egypt Finland France |
Germany Hong Kong SAR China Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Lithuania Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway |
Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Swaziland Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom |
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